Tamil Actor Vijay and Pooja Hegde starrer Beast is on the news for quite sometime. Vijay’s Earlier blockbuster Master raised lot of hype and expectations on his next project Beast. The film is directed by Nelson. Nelson had scored a big blockbuster with Siva Karthikeyan starrer Doctor. This even raised more expectations. The film is made on big scale. Anirudh is also the music director for the film.
Now, Vijay’s Brand is doing huge business for Beast despite the competition with KGF 2. Tamil Nadu territories business is being done close to 80 cr ratio. Telugu states are said to be sold for 10.5 cr and Kerala at 7.5 cr, Karnataka at 8 cr, Overseas for 32 cr and Rest of India will be in the range of 2.5 crores. Overall the theatrical business is in the range of 140 crs. The film needs to collect 280 cr+ gross worldwide for breakeven and even more for hit status.
Recently released songs have already brought the necessary craze and hype for the film. First single, Arabic Kuthu garnered around 250 Million views in a month and Jolly o Gymkhana with 35 Million views in 12 days on YouTube. The trailer of the film is said to be releasing tomorrow on April 2.