SS Rajamouli created a worldwide sensation with RRR. Rajamouli who gave an unforgettable treat to the fans of the two heroes by showing the two biggest mass heroes of this generation Mega Power Star Ram Charan Young Tiger NTR in one movie with superb combination scenes has become a hot topic in Hollywood. Rajamouli is trying to make his name global as a director so that ‘RRR’ gets nominations in many categories at the next year’s Oscar award ceremony in Los Angeles.
Rajamouli is going to start a big movie with superstar Mahesh Babu after the huge pan India wonder like RRR. Mahesh Babu and his fans are eagerly waiting for this project for a long time. Shri Durga Arts banner under K.L. Narayana is going to produce this movie.
As an action-adventure, this movie is going to hit the screens on a huge scale by international standards. Rajamouli, who has already locked the storyline for this film, is busy with the pre-production works.
This huge pan-India movie is going to be made as an action-adventure movie in the background of African forests. But recent news is going viral that this movie will be made as a compilation of real events.
Writer Vijayendra Prasad too confirms that it is based on a real-life incident. Now after hearing this news, the expectations will surely mount. The film will go on set in 2023 and makers are planning to release it globally.
Apart from that, Mahesh will be seen with a brand new makeover in the range of Hollywood heroes in this movie which will be released on a huge scale by international standards.
Physically, the heroes in Rajamouli’s films have always been fit. It is said that Mahesh will also be seen with a new makeover physically in the same vein. The pre-production work is in full swing and this movie is going to be launched on a grand scale next year.