Actress Kriti Shetty was introduced to the silver screen as a heroine in the film Uppena. The film went on to become a massive blockbuster and the actress, who made a grand entry with her first film, faced successive failures, and presently she is not getting proper hits and offers. The beauty hopes to score a big hit anyway and get back into form. Currently, she has each one film in her kitty in Telugu, Tamil, and Malayalam languages. However, it is said that she missed a chance to work with Vijay Sethupathi, the renowned actor.
Vijay Sethupathi, who got to know that the makers had brought Krithi Shetty as his romantic interest, said that he will not act with her. Sethupathi, who had earlier given clarity on this, has once again revealed why he rejected Kriti. “I played the father of Bebamma (Kriti Shetty) in ‘Uppena’. The film was a sensational success. After that, I signed a film in Tamil. The makers thought I would appreciate it if Kriti Shetty was paired with me.
They sent me a photo of her, saying that she is the heroine. As soon as I saw the photo, I called the film unit and told them that he did not want to. Because I had already acted as her father in Uppena, I didn’t want to act with her romantically. That’s why I suggested the makers not to take her as the heroine.”
On the work front, Vijay Sethupathi is currently busy with projects like Maharajah, Merry Christmas and Gandhi Tax. Krithi Shetty will be seen next with stars like Sharwanand and Tovino Thomas in her upcoming films.