Tamil Actor, Vijay has finally given his first political speech. He established his political party, Tamizhaga Vettri Kazhagam (TVK) recently and announced the same through his offical X/Twitter account. But he hasn’t yet talked as a politician after his party’s announcement. He communicated only through letter heads released from his party’s social media account. Today marks his first speech as a politician.
Vijay felicitated students who just topped their SSC and Intermediate education exams at a meet and greet event. He chose to speak about his views in this speech. The Actor urged the people to stay away from drug consumption. The Leo Actor also requested people to make new political leaders out of themselves for the state as well. He also wanted them to study newspapers and have an idea about how they take side on an issue in two different ways.
Vijay is expected to compete in the upcoming Tamil Nadu State Assembly elections in 2026. He has also decided to quit from films. His current film, The Greatest Of All Time and upcoming film with H. Vinoth will be his last films. He will concentrate on full-time politics thereafter. Let’s see how he performs in the elections.