Tamil Actor Vijay has confirmed his upcoming film, tentatively titled, Thalapathy69 under the direction of H. Vinoth. The film will also be Vijay’s final film after which he will be moving on to politics full time. Fans and Audience were excited about the film but the recent buzz around the film has disappointed them. It is being rumoured that Thalapathy69 would either be a remake or adaptation of Telugu film, Bhagavanth Kesari starring Balakrishna.
Recently all the star cast of the film was announced. Actresses Mamitha Baiju and Pooja Hegde were officially taken onboard. This has also raised doubts about their inclusion. Many feel that Mamitha Baiju would be playing the role of Sree Leela and Pooja Hegde would reprise Kajal Aggarwal‘s role in the film. The team is also rumoured to have taken the remake rights already.
This has hurt Vijay’s fans badly. They wanted to see him do a full fledged commercial Masala film but not a remake at this stage. Moreover, Vijay who once known for remaking many films in his career has stopped doing remakes since long time. So, the Actor, now remaking a latest Telugu film which is already available on OTT is disappointing the Fans and Audience big time. We have to wait and see if this news about Thalapathy69 is true or not.