The seats of Rohini Theatre in Chennai were damaged by Thalapathy Vijay fans after the Leo trailer was released, according to allegations. At the famous theater in Chennai, a special screening of the Leo trailer took place. The theater was filled with hundreds of fans who gathered to watch the trailer together. Fans were overwhelmed when they saw their favorite superstar on screen, but photos and videos revealed that the theater owners were welcomed by broken seats once they left the room.
The theater hall messy and a few seats torn apart were shown in a video shared by trade experts and Tamil media. The room was revealed to be filled with confetti remains after a few pictures were taken.
Fans shared videos from the theater earlier in the day to reveal that a mass of fans had gathered to witness the Leo trailer. A massive crowd was seen gathered outside the theater, waiting for the doors to open. Inside videos from the theater were shared by a few fans, revealing that the room was crowded with fans hooting and cheering for Vijay.
Meanwhile, there was a massive anticipation on Leo’s trailer, but surprisingly the trailer cut which was released this evening was very disappointing with not even a single wow factor. Normally, Lokesh Kanagaraj’s trailer cuts will be extraordinary, but this time he disappointed a lot. Even Anirudh Ravichander’s BGM did not work well in the trailer.