The Tamil film industry’s star hero, Thalapathy Vijay, fans are angry at Superstar Rajinikanth. The fans of Vijay are not at all happy with Rajinikanth’s remarks about their hero and his previous film, Beast. The audio launch of Jailer, Rajinikanth’s upcoming film under the direction of Nelson Dilipkumar, happened recently.
During his speech at the event, Rajinikanth said that the distributors called him and said to cancel the movie with director Nelson Dilipkumar, because the reviews for his film with Vijay, Beast, which was released at that time were bad. Then Rajini had checked with the producers of Beast, and reportedly they said yes, but they also informed him that the reviews were bad, but the revenue was good.
Now the fans of Vijay are not happy as Rajini openly said Beast was a failure, and he had not mentioned his own recent film, Annatthe which was a much bigger failure than the Beast Revenue wise, Beast is way ahead of Annathe. Overall, Vijay fans are not at all happy with the comments of Rajinikanth.
Jailer is an action thriller starring Superstar
Rajinikanth in the lead role. The film is scheduled for a grand worldwide release on August 10th and the audio launch of the film was organized recently. In the event, during his speech, Rajinikanth stated that several distributors contacted him and advised him to replace the director of the film, Nelson Dilipkumar from Jailer after his film, Beast, featuring Vijay, received negative reviews.
“We had shot a promo and announced the film. Beast released after the promo launch, and it received negative reviews. I received a lot of calls from distributors to replace director Nelson. We then had a meeting with the Sun Pictures team. They had informed me that Beast, even though received poor reviews, didn’t cause any losses for its distributors,” he said.