Hero Vijay is facing the political heat for Leo. Though his latest film has performed exceptionally well, some groups are trying to malign his image by spreading fake rumors against him and his film’s box office performance. By looking at the current situation, it seems like a political angle is involved, and that is why Vijay is facing the political heat for Leo.
The movie Leo, released on October 19th amidst huge expectations, has achieved the breakeven mark in all territories despite mixed WOM excluding Tamil Nadu; in Tamil Nadu, it is expected to reach the breakeven impact by the end of 2nd week. But as said above, a lot of negative campaign is happening on the film on social media, and since its release, even TV media channels are spreading negativity by saying Leo movie’s collections are fake,
Recently, there was severe targeting on Leo’s overseas collections, and it was said there were proxy bookings for the film. On social media, the Leo disaster hashtag was spread, and by observing all this targeted negative campaign, it looks like some agenda is happening on Vijay’s Leo film.
It is widely known that for several days, there have been rumors and inside reports suggesting Vijay plans to start a political party, and it looks like the heat has begun from politics; we have seen many times when cinema stars enter politics, there will be some negative campaign done on them and Vijay is also facing the same heat it seems.