Vijay Deverakonda’s Pan-Indian debut Liger did not work out too well for the actor. The film was released amidst a lot of hype and buzz but the movie failed to live up to the hype. Liger was instantly dismissed by the audiences and the movie crashed by the opening weekend itself.
After the dismal theatrical run, Liger will be hitting the OTT route very shortly. The digital rights of the film were bought for a whopping 80+ crore deal for all the languages. Liger will stream on Disney+Hotstar from 30th September.
Although the film has been dismissed by the general public, the OTT route might work in the film’s favor. Owing to the fact that many people have not watched Liger in theatres, they might want to give it a try on Disney+Hotstar.
There will be two sets of OTT watchers for Liger. The first set will be those who would still want to watch a film from Puri or Vijay despite the poor theatrical response. The second set will want to watch the film to troll the film further.
Either way, Liger will stream on Disney+Hotstar from 30th September. The film also stars Ananya Pandey, Ramya Krishna and Mike Tyson in an extended cameo. Karan Johar is the producer of the film.