TV anchor-turned-actress Anasuya Bharadwaj, who is known for her performances in movies such as Rangasthalam and Allu Arjun’s Pushpa: The Rise, made sensational revelations about Vijay Deverakonda’s publicist. She has alleged that he has paid trolls to abuse her. Over the past few months, fans of Vijay and Anasuya have embarked on a war of words on social media.
Anasuya and Vijay used to be friends, in the actress’s words. In one interview, she informed that she learned from someone in the Vijay’s team that his closest person had paid trolls to abuse her. She said she was shocked when she found out about it.
“Vijay and I were friendly long back and there was no problem. When Arjun Reddy (2017) released, the cuss words were muted in the film. Vijay had visited a theater and when the muted cuss words came on screen, he told his fans to mouth the dialogues and they were shouting these cuss words. Vijay played an abusive character, which is fine, but in real life, why would you encourage the audience to say such words? Being a mother, all this abusive language really upset me. In fact, I had spoken to Vijay about this, saying, please don’t encourage such things in real life,” Anasuya told in an interview.
She added that on-line abuse against women had increased after Arjun Reddy’s release. She also said that she was depressed as a result of on-line abuse, but she succeeded in moving on. “In 2019, Vijay Deverakonda’s father was producing Meeku Maathrame Cheptha and they offered me a role. Things were fine. It was after that, someone from Vijay’s team told me that his publicist had paid trolls to abuse me. I was shocked. If the publicist had paid trolls, then Vijay would have been aware, right? I am sure they would not do something like this without his knowledge, right? ? ” She added.
However, Anasuya, in the end, said that she wants to end it here as she wants mental piece in her life. Anasuya played an important role in Vimanam, a small film which was released today.