Vijay Deverakonda is facing a very tough time after the failure of his recent film, Family Star. The film had high production values and released to much hype. But it faced a disastrous result at the box office. Family Star faced much trolling after its release as well. Vijay Deverakonda confirmed his next problems and this indicates that he is taking on more risks.
He is currently doing a film with Gowtham Tinnanuri, the fame of Malli Raava and Jersey. These films were not commercial hits although had a cult following afterwards. This film will be a police action thriller and there is also buzz that the film doesn’t have any songs. Vijay Devearkonda also confirmed his next film recently with Ravi Kiran Kola, the fame of Raja Vaaru Rani Gaaru, and Ashoka Vanamlo Arjuna Kalyanam under the production of Dil Raju. He also confirmed his third film with Rahul Sankrityan, the fame of Taxiwala and Shyam Singha Roy.
All these three films have directors who have no star tag and commercial hits. All these three films also indicate that Vijay Deverakonda is taking a big risk. If any of these films becomes a hit, then he might take a sigh of relief. If that doesn’t happen, his career will surely big at a big risk.