Vijay Deverakonda has delivered on his promise and sent his 100 fans on an all-expense paid trip to Manali. He shared a clipping of the same where his fans shared a video from the flight. Vijay Deverakonda started the #Deverasanta initiative 5 years ago when he used to gift his fans something sppecial. This year he has taken it up a notch and posted on social media that he will be sending 100 fans on a trip.
“Cutest they sent me a video from their flight this morning. And they are off on their holiday to the mountains! 100 from across the country, makes me so happy #Deverasanta2022,” he shared.
Vijay visited the Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University in Masab Tank, Hyderabad, in the first year of the Deverasanta programme. He chose 50 random followers on social media and gave them special gifts. Another year, Vijay uploaded a video and requested that all of his fans use the hashtag “#DevaraSanta” in their comments. He pledged to grant at least nine to ten of the requests, and perhaps many more. Then, last year, he revealed the names of the 100 winners, who will receive a Christmas gift of Rs 10,000 each.
Vijay also has Kushi lined up where he is co-starring with Samantha for the first time. He also has an untitled project with director Parsuram, who directed him in Geetha Govindam along with a Gowtham Tinanuri project.