Tollywood Actor Vijay Deverakonda revealed that he had taken minimal remuneration out of the films he did. He was addressing the media ahead of his upcoming release, Family Star, and shared a few insights. Producer Dil Raju and Actress Mrunal Thakur were also present.
Vijay Deverakonda said he didn’t care about remuneration and compared it to peanuts. He stated that he started fetching a good amount only after his earlier film, Kushi directed by Shiva Nirvana. The Rowdy star also opined that anyone who comes from outside the Industry must not care about remuneration and concentrate on grabbing the chances. Vijay when asked about the exact number said that he was okay with the amount then.
Vijay specifically answered about one of his earlier controversial statements regarding encouraging Debut Directors. He said that he didn’t mean what he said. The Actor felt if he did all films with debut directors, it would kill other actors’ chances. His film, Family Star‘s pre-release event will take place tomorrow in Hyderabad. It is slated for release this April 5th. Tillu Square may pose a big threat to the film which is already rocking the box office. It has already gone past the 60 crore gross mark worldwide. Let’s see how these films will perform next weekend.