Liger’s poor performance has been quite an eye-opener for Vijay Deverakonda. During the promotions, it seemed that the movie was high on content, and looking at Vijay’s confidence, everyone believed that the movie will end up becoming one of the highest grossers of the year.
The story took a complete turn on the day of its release. Liger got terrible reviews and poor word of mouth leading to limited occupancies from evening shows. Day 2 also has been quite underwhelming and from the looks of it, the movie will register heavy losses in all territories.
Vijay Deverakonda, who watched the movie at Sudarshan theatre in Hyderabad was visibly upset after the movie. His usual energy that was the trademark of Liger promotions was missing. The ‘Rowdy’ star also got emotional after the movie and his dissatisfaction was quite visible. Liger is now heading towards Rs 50Cr+ loss, 1st non-star film to lose Rs 50Cr+ theatrically.
The actor put in great physical effort for the movie and his physical transformation was the talk of the town. However, with the movie failing to impress the audience, he has no choice but to move on to next projects with a renewed hope.