Family Star is a romantic drama film starring Vijay Devarakonda and Mrunal Thakur in the lead roles. With music composed by Gopi Sundar, this marks the second collaboration between Vijay and director Parasuram after the blockbuster Geetha Govindam (2018). The makers of the film have managed to create a good buzz with their promotional content; the film’s teaser clocked good viewership on YouTube.
However, a recent announcement from the production company has attracted criticism on social media. The film’s second single, titled ‘Kalyani Vacha Vacha’, was released this evening and featured the lead roles in a wedding ceremony. But what made the audience wonder is the lavish setting of the song; the film’s glimpse and teaser have made it clear that Vijay is a newly married man of a strictly middle-class household.
Contrastingly, the song’s promo has showcased the couple’s wedding in a grand setting that would take crores of rupees to pull off, which doesn’t correspond to the film’s premise. For this reason, the film has been the subject of numerous memes and trolls. Family Star is slated for release in April this year in Telugu, Tamil, and Hindi.