Family Star marks the second collaboration of Vijay Devarakonda with Parasuram Petla after the blockbuster Geetha Govindam (2018). Bankrolled by ‘Dil’ Raju’s Sri Venkateshwara Creations, it stars Mrunal Thakur as the female lead. With music composed by Gopi Sundar, this action drama film is slated for a worldwide release on April 5, 2024, in Telugu, Tamil, and Hindi.
This is a crucial venture for Vijay since he hasn’t scored a clean ‘Hit’ since Taxiwaala (2018); his last theatrical outing, Kushi (2023), had an average run at the box office, accumulating significant losses for buyers. But thanks to the actor-director combo, Family Star has had a good theatrical business of INR 45 crore, which also happens to be its breakeven mark.
In terms of its non-theatrical rights, the film’s digital streaming rights have been bought by Prime Video for an undisclosed price. For medium-budget films, it is common for the makers to end up with profits before release, but that hasn’t happened with Family Star; the project’s budget has reportedly exceeded the estimated figure to a whopping INR 90 crore. Having said that, ‘Dil’ Raju has pinned high hopes on the film’s box-office performance, which would give him profits.