Falcon Creations, who will be bankrolling the much-awaited Vijay Devarakonda and Sukumar film updated the netizens about the movie’s future. The production house will be venturing into filmmaking with this movie as their debut. It confirmed that the movie is up and running and that it is not shelved. The statement further urged everyone to not believe in any kind of rumours that are floating around.
Vijay Deverakonda is currently shooting for Puri Jagannadh’s Liger while Sukumar is busy with Allu Arjun starrer Pushpa. Both the director and actor will collaborate once they are free from their commitments.
For the past few months, a number of rumours have been floating about the project and it was about time fans received an official word. The movie is touted to be a love story and the filming part will be completed in a very short span of time.