Tamil Actor Vijay and Director Lokesh Kanagaraj collaborated together for Leo. The film took the biggest opening for any Kollywood film at that time. It was also the first 100 crore opener for Kollywood and collected nearly 150 crores gross which is a sensational mark. Now, Vijay’s The GOAT is slated for release on September 5th. It looks Vijay couldn’t beat this record with The GOAT but Lokesh Kanagaraj can with his Coolie.
Lokesh Kanagaraj is currently directing Coolie starring Rajinikanth. The expectations are sky high for this film. Everyone expected Indian 2 to beat the record of Leo considering the combination of Shankar and Kamal Haasan. But Indian 2 didn’t take a decent opening at least. Now all eyes are on The GOAT but the advance bookings are nowhere near Leo‘s.
Leo will retain the opening day record evidently. No one other film this year can beat this record. Vettaiyan, Kanguva and Vidaamuyarchi are the biggies releasing this year which may open big but not in the range of leo. The comination of Lokesh Kanagaraj and Rajinikanth will only be able to break this record. Coolie is carrying massive hype currently with the addition of many industries’ actors into it.