Tamil Actor and music director Vijay Antony’s family was left devastated because of the death of Meera, Vijay Antony’s 16-year-old daughter. She committed suicide a few weeks ago. On her social media accounts, Fatima, the wife of Vijay Antony, wrote an emotional post remembering her daughter who left everyone teary-eyed.
She also shared a picture of Meera and wrote,”If I’d known you would live only for 16 yrs, I would have just kept u very very close to me, not even shown you to the sun and moon, am drowning and dying with ur thoughts, and can’t live without you, come back to babba and amma. laara keeps waiting for u, love u Thangam @vijayantony.”
Even though no one can heal the pain of Fatima Vijay Antony, fans have been sending their support and love to the former to stay strong as her guardian angel watching her every single day from heaven.
Vijay Antony previously expressed his sadness about his daughter Meera’s death through a press note, and the emotional words of the composer-actor adequately conveyed his grief to the fans. Now the latest message of Fatima Vijay Antony has caused fans to remember Meera Vijay Antony.
Meera Vijay Antony, who was found hanging on the ceiling fan of her house on September 19th, was later declared dead by suicide. Meera’s suicide has been reported to the police, and their investigation is currently underway.