Vijay Antony, the Tamil actor, is now back at work days after his young daughter’s death. Meera, the daughter of the actor, committed suicide on September 19. She was 16 years old.
Producer G Dhananjeyan shared a few pictures from the promotional interviews for the upcoming film Raththam, which stars Vijay Antony, on Twitter. He wrote, “True example of professionalism, care for his Producers & Audience by @vijayantony sir – supporting our film #Raththam by being a part of promotional interviews with @csamudhan @ @Mahima_Nambiar today to various channels. A great inspiration & benchmark for the industry, by the man who rises above his personal tragedy to support his Team. Thank you, sir.”
While a few fans praised the actor for facing his heartbreak and returning to work, others thought it was still too early. A person stated that taking a longer time off work after such a tragedy would not affect their professional status.
Meera’s death was followed by the Tamil actor’s emotional statement on social media a few days later. Vijay Antony expressed his admiration for his daughter in a Tamil post.
The statement in Tamil is loosely translated as, “My Daughter Meera is such an affectionate and brave girl. She is now in a better and peaceful place where there won’t be caste, creed, money, jealousy, pain. She is still talking to me. I died with her. I have now started spending time for her. I will now do good things on her behalf.”