Viduthalai 2 drops big on Monday. Starring Vijay Sethupathi in the lead role, Viduthalai 2, the latest action drama of Vetrimaaran was released in theaters worldwide on December 20, 2024. The film received positive reviews and had a good opening in Tamil Nadu at the box office, while it failed to get even decent numbers in Telugu states.
The film failed to impress markets like Kerala and Telugu states, but it worked good on Tamil Nadu with around 24Cr gross for the 1st weekend. However, on the1st Monday the film witnessed drop in Tamil Nadu collections as well. Shockingly, the drop is more than 60% from Sunday. Viduthalai 2 drops big on Monday.
The drop declares there is no chance for the film to join 100 Cr club, and Maharaja will be the only 100 Cr grosser for Vijay Sethupathi. Because of more action and political theme, the families seem to not showing much interest in watching Viduthalai 2, and most likely it will end up as an average grosser at the box office.