Vidaamuyarchi shoot has been wrapped up. Director Magizh Thirumeni shared a note of gratitude to hero Ajith after wrapping up the film’s final day of shoot. He said he is sharing the post with heartfelt thanks and admiration for the support and guidance provided by the star actor. it was announced that the lead cast of Vidaamuyarchi, including Ajith Kumar, have completed their dubbing. A few days after this announcement, the team went to Bangkok to shoot some more portions which made the fans doubt about the movie getting released for Pongal as per the announcement. However, director Magizh Thirumeni, and Ajith’s team shared that Vidaamuyarchi’s shoot has been wrapped up.
Vidaamuyarchi is the first ever collaboration between Ajith and Magizh Thirumeni. The movie, which is produced by Lyca Productions, marks the reunion of the Mankatha stars Ajith, Trisha, and Arjun. The other members of the ensemble include Arav, Regina Cassandra, and Ramya.