Vidaamuyarchi, the upcoming film of Tamil Actor, Ajith Kumar has released yesterday. The film has been carrying big hype and expectations from the fans. But the poster released yesterday stood as a major disappointment. The poster offered nothing new or exciting. It showed Ajith walking with a bag on an empty road. This poster is truly a huge letdown moment for the fans.
Ajith last worked for Thunivu which released a year ago on last year’s sankranthi. Fans of Ajith have been eagerly waiting for his film update since then. It really excited them to watch the first look of Vidaamuyarchi which is being directed by Magizh Thirumeni. The film has many action sequences picturized in Ajerbaijan and many other locations as well. There was even a video which showed Ajith pulling off a daredevil stunt sequence along with another actor in a car. But the team chose to release a simple poster of Ajith with a bag as the first look poster. No one knows who was behind this poster release’s idea.
Fans and Audience have been badly trolling this first look and idea as well. Now, the team must release another poster as soon as possbile to generate hype. Let’s hope they do it.