Vishwak Sen’s Ori Devuda has created the right buzz before release with its teaser and the latest lyrical ‘Avunanava’ impressing the netizens. His last film Ashoka Vanamlo Arjuna Kalyanam did well and his performance was well appreciated. Now with, Ori Devuda, he wants to repeat something similar.
The biggest drawing factor of the movie though is Victory Venkatesh who is playing a crucial guest role in the film. His appearance has helped the film’s business a lot. The movie is getting very good offers from trade circles and there is a high demand for non-theatricals as well. Amazon Prime Video has acquired digital rights of Ori Devuda for a solid amount.
Ori Devuda is the official remake of the Tamil film Oh My Kadavule, and is directed by Ashwath Marimuthu. The film features Mithila Palkar in the lead role opposite Vishwak Sen, while Rahul Ramakrishna will be seen in a supporting role. The romantic comedy will release on October 21st.