Venkatesh, who’s on a roll these days has completed the shoot of his upcoming film Drushyam 2 in record time. A remake of the Malayalam film Drishyam 2 that released earlier this year, Venkatesh will be portraying Mohanlal’s role from the original.
Director Jeethu Joseph who also directed the original in Malayalam posted the update on Venkatesh’s end of shoot.
He will be next seen in Narappa which incidentally is also a remake of Tamil film Asuran starring Dhanush. Post Asuran, Venky will be moving on to F3, a sequel of his 2019 superhit F2:Fun and Frustration. The movie will have Meena, Nadiya, and Naresh essaying their roles as from original. Sampath Raj and Poorna will be joining the cast in this movie.