Venkat Prabhu, the versatile director who has given some of the most innovative and entertaining films in Tamil cinema, is trying something big for his next film with none other than Thalapathy Vijay. Though the director’s last film, Custody starring Naga Chaitanya had become a big failure but still, Venkat Prabhu has the craze in the audiences. A few months ago, it was announced that he will work with Tamil Star Hero Vijay.
Now as per the latest reports, it is being reported that Thalapathy 68 will be one of the biggest films of 2024. The team is leaving no stone unturned to make it an epic extravaganza. Reportedly, last night the core team of director Venkat Prabhu, Producer Archana Kalpathi and Co Producer Jagadeesh flew to Los Angeles.
They will be working out 3D face scanning technology at the world’s best USE (University of Southern California) Institute of Creative Technologies to be tried out on Vijay, and he is rumored to be playing a “difficult double role” in the film. The same technology was used for Shah Rukh Khan’s (Fan) and Kamal Haasan (Indian 2).
The film, which will be the 25th venture of AGS Entertainment, was officially announced in May this year, while confirming Yuvan Shankar Raja as the music composer. The film is expected to be a big entertainer that caters to all sections of the audience and will be released in 2024.