Tamil Director Venkat Prabhu is currently busy promoting his upcoming film, The GOAT starring Vijay. The film is all set for a worldwide release on September 5th. In one of the interviews, Venkat Prabhu has blamed both Naga Chaitanya and Suriya indirectly for the failures of Custody and Masss/Rakshasudu films. This has gone viral now on social media platforms.
He sad that he had originally wanted to make a different film but Suriya asked him to come up with something commercial like his previous films. The Director also talked about Custody saying that he didn’t get the sensibilities in making it as a Telugu film and opined that sometimes production houses or actors involvement changes films. He also cited some examples of hit films telling that there was no involvement in these films.
However, this didn’t go well with the netizens. They are criticising Venkat Prabhu for blaming the actors for the failures and taking credit for the successes of his earlier films. They say that he would have taken the credit if these two films had been successful. It needs to be seen how the Director responds to this criticism. He must not have had expected this turn of events with his statement.