Vijay Deverakonda is currently working on his VD12 directed by Gowtham Tinnanuri under the Sithara Entertainments banner. The Actor has gone through a rustic physical transformation also being in a bald look with a thick beard for the film. Till now, only the first look poster was released with many fans and audience waiting for updates. Now, the makers have listened to this and VD12’s Teaser update is learnt to be on the way.
The teaser of VD12 is expected to arrive mostly for the New Year or during the Sankranthi season next year. The makers expect the film promotions to click well starting with the teaser since the film’s release date has already been confirmed as 28th March 2025. The teaser will certainly raise the expectations further as the film is also carrying a big hype.
Touted to be a gangster drama, VD12 also stars Bhagyashri Borse in the female lead role. Vijay Deverakonda hopes big of the film after going through a series of box office disappointments in the recent years. This year has him witness a great disaster in the form of The Family Star. So, let’s see how it goes for the Actor with VD12.