Sports drama Ghani starring Varun Tej has a new date now. The movie has been getting postponed indefinitely due to the circumstances in TFI. With the COVID and pandemic, a lot of movies that were set to release in 2020 and 2021 were postponed.
Multi starrer RRR also fall into same category. As many films have completed their shooting and post production, it has become tough to accommodate them with dates. Varun Tej’s Ghani was all set to get released on December 2nd but with Balakrishna’s Akhanda announcement, they have postponed it to December 24th, the date on which Nani’s Shyama Singha Roy is realising.
According to the inside info, makers of Ghani have requested makers of Shyam Singha Roy to postpone their movie. But they were adamant about postponing the date. Now with different clashes looming over, Ghani is looking for a new date.
Our close sources from film industry are saying that the movie will release in March of 2021. They are planning to hit the screens on 25th of March. With raise in COVID cases, anything can happen. However, let us stay positive and hope TFI thrives as it did earlier with the lined up releases.
Ghani has Saiee Manjrekar as female lead, Kannada star Upendra and Bollywood star Sunil Shetty are playing important roles. Naveen Chandra, Jagapathi Babu, Nadiya can also be seen in the film. The movie is directed by Kiran Korrapati, Thaman is the music director and Allu Bobby is the producer.