Actor Varun Sandesh who has been in a slump for quite some time is hoping to make a comeback with his upcoming movie Induvadana. The first look of the film was revealed recently. A shirtless Varun Sandesh can be seen hugging actress Farnaz Setti who’s also minimally clothed. The actor shared the first look of the film on his social media handle.
Varun will be seen on screen after a long time. He last appeared on screen in a cameo appearance in Nuvvu Thopu Ra. The actor has been in a flop streak for the longest time and he even appeared in a reality show Bigg Boss with his wife Vithika Sheru.
Varun’s career started on a great high and he delivered superhits like Kottha Bangaru Lokam and Happy Days. Post that he was also seen in some moderately successful films like Kurradu and Evaraina Epudaina. However, with a string of unsuccessful movies for the past many years, he is now desperate for a success.
Director MSR will be helming the megaphone for this project while it will be produced by Madhavi Adurthi is producing the film under Sri Balaji Pictures banner.