Vamshi Paidipally who earlier directed Mahesh Babu’s landmark film Maharshi which released last year and scored an HIT has announced his next film will be again with Mahesh Babu in various events. Recently at Sarileru Neekevvaru Success Meet Vamshi has promised to Mahesh fas that he will be giving a career-best film to Mahesh Babu.
Mahesh Babu who is not satisfied with the story narrated by Vamshi is now moving on with other directors for #SSMB27. Everyone has thought that Vamshi’s film with Mahesh has been shelved. But Vamshi’s close circle says that Vamshi is working with the script continuously to team up with Mahesh Babu for his next even if it takes more time. We should see whether Vamshi comes up with a story that Mahesh likes or not.