Vaishnav Tej, who made a sensational debut with Uppena earlier this year, is busy shooting for his untitled film with Krish. The movie which has been in production for quite some time will feature Rakulpreet Singh opposite the young actor.
This film will have a forest-based backdrop that will be completely shot in and around Hyderabad. The makers are planning to release the film on 8th October. Interestingly, Sai Dharam Tej’s republic is also slated for an October release and will hit the screens on the 1st.
Meanwhile, it is being reported that director Surender Reddy has also approached Vaishnav Tej for a film. While further details and an official confirmation on the same is awaited, more announcements on upcoming projects featuring Vaishnav will be done soon.
Rakul, who was last seen in Nithiin’s Check has been away from Tollywood for a while and has been featuring in major Bollywood projects. Post this Krish film, she has a number of Bollywood releases lined up as well.