The highly anticipated film of Pawan Kalyan, Ustaad Bhagat Singh, had recently finished the shooting of its first schedule. Star director Harish Shankar is the director of this movie. Today, Harish Shankar who. had waited a very long time to make it on to the sets of the film, completed the first schedule in no time. Now Pawan Kalyan has left Harish Shankar and the team of Ustaad Bhagath Singh in shock with his surprise move.
Pawan Kalyan had allotted dates for Ustaad Bhagat Singh for the first Schedule and the team wrapped up the shooting and after that Pawan did not give any clarity about his next dates and the team of UBS expected it may take some time, but suddenly Pawan Kalyan has called the team and said he is available from the 3rd week of this month. Now the team is preparing the schedule for these dates because the team knows the importance of Pawan Kalyan’s dates and they do not want to waste them.
Therefore, the new update is that Ustaad Bhagat Singh team is preparing for a new schedule. Some pictures of director Harish Shankar, DOP Ayananka Bose and art director Anand Sai sorting out the locations of the film were out on the internet.
Ustaad Bhagat Singh is being produced on a massive scale by Naveen Yerneni and Y Ravi Shankar under Mythri Movie Makers Banner. Young hero Sensational Sree Leela is the female lead while Ashutosh Rana, Gauthami, Naga Mahesh, and Temper Vamsi appear important roles in this film. Rockstar Devi Sri Prasad is the music director. The movie is a remake of Thalapathy Vijay’s blockbuster Theri.