Nani’s Dasara set the box office on fire with its opening numbers. The opening day and weekend collections surpassed the likes of Waltair Veerayya and Veera Simha Reddy and was on par with several tier-1 hero movies. It was expected that Dasara would surpass all the tier 2 hero collection records and would emerge on top. However, that didn’t happen and the likes of Geetha Govindam and Uppena are still ahead if we look at collections territory-wise.
Dasara was definitely a super hit and got rave reviews and heavy accolades for Nani’s performance. But, Uppena still holds the record in Andhra for non-tier- 1 highest share with Rs 33 crores. In Telangana though, Nani’s Dasara stands at the top with Rs 25 crores plus share. If we consider overall, then it’s Vijay Deverakonda’s Geetha Govindam with Rs 49 crores share.
Overseas and Nizam region have been hugely beneficial to the makers of Dasara and got them huge profits. Due to the story being set in rural Telangana, the Nizam region turned out to be quite beneficial for the makers compared to the Andhra region.