Unstoppable With NBK’s Mahesh Babu episode promo is out now. The show has been an absolute hit among Telugu cinema lovers. The main unique selling point of the show is Balayya’s chemistry and spontaneity with his guests.
Aha seems to have saved the best for last. This is the season finale of the 10 episode long show. The promo promises to be an absolute comedic treat, with Balakrishna and Mahesh Babu in top form. Balakrishna’s energy and Mahesh Babu’s satire make for a fun-filled Unstoppable episode.
The episode also has an emotional angle to it. We all know about the amazing charity work that Balakrishna and Mahesh Babu do. Mahesh has done a lot of charity work for children with heart diseases and ailments. The show features a kid who has undergone a heart operation due to Mahesh’s charity foundation.
Maharshi director Vamsi Paidipally also joins Balakrishna and Mahesh at a later point in the show to discuss Akhanda and more.
The season finale premieres on February 4th exclusively on the Aha streaming platform.
The first season of Unstoppable With NBK has already broken numerous records. The second season will surely break even more records. There are many exciting guests on the list already.