Aha Video, the number one Telugu Platform, is making all the efforts to attract viewers by putting new content on its platform on a weekly basis. While this weekend, there are many films in theaters to enthrall the Telugu film audiences and viewers, there are two exciting arrivals on the Aha Platform today. The two films are Mr. Pregnant and The Great Indian Suicide.
Bigg Boss fame and young hero Sohel’s latest film Mr. Pregnant is all set to stream on October 6 on the Aha OTT Platform. It will also be streamed on Amazon Prime Video on the same day. Mr. Pregnant is a film with a different concept of a man becoming pregnant. The film is directed by Srinivas Vinjanampati and stars Roopa Koduvayur.
In the film, The Great Indian Suicide, Naresh plays the uncle of Hebah Patel and his character of Bellary Neelakantam. Bellary Neelakantam’s family takes an unconventional path to bring him back after his sudden death. The family is convinced that Bellary Neelakantam will come back to life if they all sacrifice their lives.
According to the makers, the film is based on actual incidents. Ram Karthik, Pavitra Lokesh, and Jaya Prakash okay important roles in the film. This film has been written, directed, and produced by Viplove Koneti. Sri Charan Pakala composed the music for the film.