Naga Babu’s daughter Niharika Konidela got married to Chaitanya JV in a lavish and star-studded celebration a couple of years ago. The couple has been staying in an upmarket apartment in Banjara Hills and even were part of a small tussle with the neighbours recently. Now, it appears that there’s trouble brewing between the couple as well.
Niharika and Chaitanya have unfollowed each other on Instagram. Chaitanya has even deleted all the wedding pictures leading to various speculations. There have been strong rumors for the past few months and now this looks very strong both are expected to make an official statement on this.
Chaitanya and Niharika got married in 2020 and the couple has been staying in Banjara Hills ever since. Chaitanya is the son of Guntur IG J Prabhakar Rao while Niharika is the only daughter of actor-producer Naga Babu.