Whenever any news of a film based on Ramayana comes out, Om Raut suddenly becomes the centre of attention. Even the recent blockbuster success of Prashanth Varma’s HanuMan brought a series of trolls and criticism for Om Raut and Prabhas. Such has been the impact of Adipurush that even the announcement of Nitish Tiwary’s Ramayan brought attention back to the duo and last year’s debacle.
Om Raut in particular has had a torrid time with continuous trolls and it doesn’t seem like it will stop anytime soon. Now Ranbir Kapoor’s look was leaked from Ramayana sets and it has received a positive response while Ranbir fans are happy with this, netizens have once again chosen to lash out on Om Raut by stating this is how Sri Ram should be portrayed.
With just a leaked picture creating such a storm online, the comparisons and trolls will surely be more vocal and brutal in the coming days. Ramayana directed by Nitish Tiwari stars Ranbir as Sri Ram and Sai Pallavi as Sita Devi. Yash will be playing Ravana’s rolled while Sunny Deol has been cast as Hanuman. The film will feature several other stars and will be a pan-India release in multiple parts.