Trivikram is said to be deeply hurt by recent events that unfolded during his films. The problem with our heroes especially big stars is before committing to the film they say no objections but after committing the film multiple objections are coming which is resulting multiple changes to the script and screenplay. Few films are even getting canceled after official announcements due to these creative issues.
Trivikram has also been facing this issue recently and he has stated that he wants to work where he can have full creative freedom. His only wish is that no one should not interfere in the script of the screenplay after committing the film.
This was the main reason he wanted to work with Pawan Kalyan next as he has complete freedom with Pawan Kalyan who blindly believes him. But with Pawan Kalyan being busy in politics and some committed films already, he wants to do a film with medium budget hero as they will not interfere in anything.
Most probably this film is expected to be with Ram as Sravanthi Ravi Kishore had given Trivikram his first chance with Nuvve Nuvve. Ram has also not committed to any film after Double Ismart and he will be available from March end so the movie can start immediately.