Trivikram will focus on pan-Indian films after Guntur Kaaram. It is widely known that for a few years, the pan-Indian trend has caught up with the Indian Cinema. That is why even small directors are willing to make pan-Indian films and release them in all Indian languages. Now, Trivikram will focus on pan-Indian films after Guntur Kaaram.
The reality is most of the attempts at pan-Indian films are failing and getting washed out at the box office in other languages. A few industry people and the audience always say that Filmmakers should carefully plan Pan-Indian releases. The latest reports suggest that the wizard of words, Trivikram, will focus on pan-Indian films after Guntur Kaaram.
It is widely known that writer-director Trivikram has a good image in the industry, and the trade also rates him high. But he has always stuck to regional films only. His next film is Guntur Kaaram with Mahesh Babu, and it is also a regional film, but after this, Trivikram will be shifting his entire focus to pan-Indian films.
Reportedly, he is preparing the scripts that appeal to pan-India audiences and has already confirmed with Allu Arjun for his next. The film will be made as a big-budget pan-Indian film. After this film, he will likely collaborate with Prabhas and Ram Charan. So it is inevitable that all are pan-Indian films from Trivikram after Guntur Kaaram.