It’s been more than a year that we witnessed the magic of Trivikram on-screen since blockbuster Ala Vaikunthapuram Lo. Ever since then fans have been eagerly waiting for an announcement on his next project. It was earlier speculated that the ace director will be directing the much-awaited NTR30. However, now that the project has been shelved, he has moved on to other films. It is being said that Trivikram is now ready with not one but two scripts.
He will be joining hands with Super Star Mahesh Babu for his next film. According to the reports, the script for the film is almost ready. The final stages of works are going on for the film and Mahesh will start shooting for this untitled project after he finishes Sarkaru Vari Paata.
Interestingly, Trivikram also has another script ready in hand. However, no official announcement has been made on it. It remains to be seen who the director will chose to collaborate on with this script.