A Trendsetting box office update from Bhagavanth Kesari Producers has shocked the Telugu film industry. They have shared an official update of the film’s collections on their social media accounts. This is a Trendsetting box office update from Bhagavanth Kesari Producers.
For the first time in Tollywood history, the collections have been updated like this, Normally, the makers never mention the box office details. But the Shine Screens have done an unthinkable thing by disclosing the box office numbers of the film.
According to the producers, the movie has made a 13Cr theatrical profit as they mentioned the business was done for 57Cr, and the worldwide share of the film is 70Cr. But you would not be able to find this combination of numbers from any box office site, and the trade says that the makers have mentioned theatrical pre-release business without GST. But, the collections they mentioned included GST.
So, there is a practical loophole in the numbers provided by the Shine Screens. There is no doubt that Bhagavanth Kesari is a successful film but did not make significant profits as the producers mentioned in their numbers. The calculations are differently projected in trade, and producers’ numbers differ.