Game Changer starring Ram Charan has completed its shoot mostly and only a few portion is left. Fans and Audience have been waiting eagerly for an update regarding the film since Jaragandi song release. But, Director Shankar and makers of the film have not addressed this properly. This had angered them and they started an abusing hashtag trend on X/Twitter recently. Now, with this trend effect, Game Changer’s update has been announced officially and it is coming tomorrow.
The Director of Game Changer, Shankar became busy with his Indian 2 and put Game Changer’s works on hold. This caused a delay in update release which disappointed the fans and audience over a period of time. After the debacle of Indian 2, Shankar went into depressing mode which futher delayed the process of Game Changer. The release date of the film has also not been announced yet. All these added as fuel for the negative and abusing trend that was started recently.
The Music director of the film, Thaman has surprised all with a tweet indicating about an udpate mostly about the second song release. This came as a big relief for the fans and audience. The update will release tommorrow on the occasion of Vinayaka Chavithi.