Kannada Actor Yash who took a long break after the big success of his KGF Chapter 2 is gearing up with his Toxic: The Movie now. Fans and Audiences have been waiting for an update about the film for a long time. The makers have addressed their request now at last. The update is arriving finally on 8th January on the occasion of Yash’s birthday.
The makers have released a poster confirming the same where Yash was seen smoking while leaning on a car. The update is speculated to be a glimpse from the film. The shoot of the film is also happening currently in various locations and also in a set erected on the outskirts of Bengaluru, especially for the film.
Touted to be a gangster drama, the film is directed by a newcomer Geetu Mohandas, and produced by KVN Productions. Toxic is also made on a high-scale budget just like Yash’s previous blockbuster KGF series. The film will also have a Pan India release this year which is speculated to be for Christmas.
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