Megastar Chiranjeevi’s Waltair Veerayya has become the latest entrant into the prestigious Rs 100 crore club in Tollywood. The film got off to an extraordinary start during Sankranti and continued great occupancies on weekdays as well with many areas registering housefuls. Finally, on Friday, Waltair Veerayya entered the 100 crore share club.
As of now, 15 films from Tollywood are in the 100 crore club and Waltair Veerayya has become Chiranjeevi’s third film to achieve this feat after Sye Raa and Khaidi No.150.
Superstar Mahesh Babu leads the charts in this club with 4 movies crossing Rs 100 crore share. Sarileru Neekevvaru, Sarkaru Vaari Paata, Bharat Ane Nenu, and Maharshi have all hit this mark.
In directors, SS Rajamouli is the undisputed leader of this club with 3 films RRR, Baahubali 1, and Baahubali 2 topping the charts. Sukumar has 2 films- Rangasthalam and Pushpa the Rise on the list. Prabhas with 3 films in 100 crores Allu Arjun and Ram Charan with 2 and NTR with 1 film in this club are other heroes on this list