It’s raining Tamil stars in Tollywood. After Vijay and Dhanush, now Vijay Sethupathy will be reportedly working in a straight Telugu film. The film is none other than Rakshasudu 2. Director Ramesh Varma released the movie’s first look poster yesterday.
A remake of 2018 Tamil psycho-thriller Ratsasan, Rakshasudu provided Bellamkonda Srinivas with a much-needed hit. The young actors’ performance as an aspiring director who also works on the case of horrifying murders was well appreciated.
Rakshasudu also featured Anupama Parameswaran and Rajeev Kanakala in key roles. Saravanan who played the cold-blooded killer Christopher in the original reprised his role in Telugu as well.
It was rumoured that a top star would replace Bellamkonda Srinivas in Rakshasudu 2. However, Vijay Sethupathy’s name has indeed come as a surprise. He is known for experimenting with different genres and experimenting in his Telugu debut is truly appreciable.