Devara Starring Jr. NTR shooting is happening at a brisk pace. The film is being made on a large scale and will be released in major Indian languages as well. The film is announced for release on 10th October. The team is busy with the post-production work. Sithara Entertainments is said to be in the race to acquire entire Telugu States rights. The Top Producer is also offering a big amount in the range of 120 crores for Devara rights in the Telugu States.
Another Tollywood Production house, Mythri Movie Makers, and Renowned Producer Dil Raju are also in the race to acquire the Telugu state rights. Fans and Audiences are pinning big hopes on Devara. The teaser too showcased the big scale production values of the film. NTR wants to come back harder with the film after RRR. He took no time to start the film and still making sure everything happens properly.
Jr. NTR is also working for War 2 in a pivotal role. The media spotted him taking part in the shoot in Mumbai for the film. With this, he wants to make himself a Pan India star. He also has a film with Prashant Neel lined up.