Prabhas’ Salaar was released on Friday amidst massive buzz and fans’ euphoria. This action entertainer directed by Prashanth Neel has set the box office on storm. The film has made a solid opening in Telugu as well as Hindi. Salaar has made an impressive start at the box office. With an opening day figure of 15.7 Cr nett in Hindi, Salaar has made an entry into top 10 Hindi openings for South Indian films.
KGF2 – 53.95 Cr nett
Baahubali2 – 41 Cr nett
Adipurush – 36 Cr nett
Saaho – 24.4 Cr nett
2Point0 – 20.25 Cr nett
RRR – 20.07 Cr nett
Salaar – 15.7 Cr nett
Prabhas leads this list as a hero with most films (3). SS Rajamouli and Prashanth Neel on the other hand are the most successful directors with 2 movies each.
The business of the film is around 400Crs and with the holiday and strong word of mouth, the film is expected to have an excellent weekend ahead. On its opening Day, the film grossed 153.75Crs worldwide in all languages. In Telangana, it collected a Gross of 28Crs and in Andhra, it collected a Gross of 32Crs.