Bollywood was the face of Indian Cinema once. All Blockbusters also were only from Bollywood which were mostly Hindi films. But with the Pan India success of Baahubali series, South Indian Industries have come into the forefront. KGF Series followed the path of Baahubali and other South Indian films have also dominated the box office. So much so that, the Top 4 Indian Grossers are now all are South Indian films.
Jawaan starring Shah Rukh Khan has been in the 4th place but this was occupied by Kalki 2898 AD recently with its blockbuster success. But Jawaan still leads over Kalki 2898 AD in total worldwide collections because of Big Overseas lead.
The Indian Box office Top 5 films are Baahubali 2, KGF Chapter 2, RRR, Kalki 2898 AD and Jawaan. All the top 4 films in this list belong to South Indian Industries. 3 among them belong to Tollywood and one belongs to Sandalwood, Kannada Film Industry. It is expected that after Pushpa 2, all the films in the top 5 would belong to South Indian Industries for sure. Let’s see what happens after Pushpa 2’s release.