Popular anchor and actor T Narasimha Reddy, also known as TNR’s death has shaken the entire Tollywood. His colleagues, film industry companions, and celebrities have expressed their deepest condolences ever since the news of his death broke.
TNR was undergoing treatment for a Covid in a city hospital where he succumbed to the deadly virus. He had contracted Corona earlier but had recovered soon from it. It was only a few days later that he complained of a breathing problem. On facing this issue, he was admitted to the hospital where his situation got critical.
Megastar Chiranjeevi responded to the senior anchor’s death and has provided a financial help of Rs 1 lakh to the family of his industry colleague. Similarly, actor Sampoornesh Babu also came forward to help the family of TNR by assisting them with Rs 50,000.
The industry is indeed shaken by the sudden death of the TNR who interviewed a number of Tollywood celebrities and public figures through his illustrious career.